(SAQA ID 48975)
The purpose of this qualification is to allow Junior Personnel and elected candidates to progress towards a position of farm labourers (operators) with specific reference to Cannabis Plant Production. The contextualized purpose and usage of the qualification is as follows:
A learner assessed against this qualification will have the necessary competence to participate as part of a working team, performing the agricultural processes as applicable to Cannabis Plant Production in an established and familiar context under general supervision.
The Learner will be able to perform directed activities and take responsibility for the guiding others at lower level within a Plant Production context.
Competency will be gained in any of the specialized sub-field s of Plant Production as specified under Areas Of Specialization, in the Cannabis Sector.
The learner will be able to take responsible decisions within a familiar range based on a sound understanding of the basic principles of agri-business and good agricultural practices, in meeting the set objectives and targets within the broader farm plan which includes the economical application of general resources, agricultural production and technical knowledge and skills, all in a Cannabis Plant Production context.
In addition to the above, the learner will be well positioned to extend learning and practice into other sub-fields such as Plant Production and Mixed Farming, since such efforts will only require additional learning within the elective scope of other qualifications at this level.
The learner will be well positioned to progress towards higher levels of Management and Technical production practices as defined by qualifications at the next level.
Learners will be enabled to actively participate in the Primary Agricultural Sector through the production of quality agricultural products, enhancing the overall agricultural process and gain opportunities to access local, national and international agricultural markets.
The Learner will be able to carry out familiar procedures in a farm environment and will be able to adhere to the relevant safety, quality, hygiene and technical standards as applicable within the industry.
This qualification will allow qualifying learners to become economically active in farming practices that will have a direct impact on Local Economic Development through the production of Cannabis and access to mainstream agriculture.
Finally, Learners will be able to guide and direct others in terms of the implementation of smaller development projects within a Cannabis Plant Production context.
- Applicants must be over the age of 18
- A learner without grade 10 and has practical experience in Agriculture
- Learner must be willing to attend practical classes either on the farm or simulated in-class session.
- Online Course
- Practicals
- Full-time
- Payment: Once off payment or Monthly instalments. Please contact us to further discuss financial aid options.
- The course is offered Nationally and Internationally
- Course can be accessed via a smartphone, tablet or computer
Exit Level Outcomes are divided into five categories of competencies, namely:
- Fundamental Competencies
- Agri-business
- Good Agricultural Practices
- Plant Production; and
- Animal Production (This component has been included to ensure that Learners at this level is exposed to a small component of animal production)

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An internship is a great solution to ensuring our learners are well prepared and are a step ahead. You might think you don’t need to take part in an internship seeing it as an obstacle keeping you from really enjoying the workforce. The thing is, you have spent countless hours in the classroom preparing for your career, why not take one more step over the finish line to give yourself an advantage of having the hands-on experience? We will assist you through your educational journey with us by giving our learners first preference internships on our Partners Farms and Grow
The word “internship” is thrown around all the time today by employers, counselors, professors, and maybe even your friends. It may feel like everyone is just expected to take advantage, but think about how it can really benefit you, so you don’t see it as a burden. Spending a short amount of time on a “test drive” of a company or an industry is a great way to gain the experience needed to decide on a career and/or give yourself a leg up when compared to others entering the workforce.
Network, Network, Network. As a young professional, if you haven’t heard this word repeatedly, you probably just haven’t been listening. This is something that is consistently told to those entering the workforce, and there is a good reason for that. You never know who you might be able to meet in an internship and what those connections can do for you in the future. Internships are a great way to kickstart the networking process because you are bound to meet other like-minded individuals in the industry. Once you form a connection with them, this connection can be invaluable down the road whether it means that person directly helps you land a full-time job or having that connection as a reference leads to you getting a job elsewhere, Afterall, “it is not about what you know, but whom you know and who knows you.”
Experience is one of the first things an employer will look at when reviewing a resume – they want to see that you have had some sort of background that relates you to the job for which you are applying. Even for entry-level positions, this is still a crucial component. This section can be difficult to fill in if you are just graduating unless you’ve been out gaining industry experience through internships. Extra-curriculars are very important in their own way, but you don’t want to fill your entire resume up with them. Your future employer is going to appreciate that you were active outside of your studies, but they likely want to see a little bit more than just your Greek Life experience or club involvements. Internships, when combined with the rest of your resume experiences will show the employer you were actively growing your skills and exposing yourself to various sides of the industry all while going to school.
While academic classes are important for preparing you for the future, there is no way you can learn everything there is to know about the industry from inside a lecture hall. The only way to truly learn more about the industry is by immersing yourself as soon as possible and learning about all the opportunities firsthand. By diving right into the industry, and getting hands-on experiences, you will be able to see how the things you are taught in the classroom translate to the real world, and you will expand upon what you were taught in the first place. Your professors are knowledgeable, but because the agriculture industry is constantly evolving, they may not be able to tell you about all the available opportunities. Internships can help you realize not all jobs in agriculture require you to be in the field, driving a tractor, or working with animals. You could also work in the equally important fields of research, sales, marketing, human resources, information technology, etc.
As many students walk away from their colleges and universities with their diplomas/certificates in hand, they don’t exactly know what to do next. They might know they want to stay in the agriculture industry but not the specifics about what that could entail. The easiest way to try to figure this out is to determine what you don’t like and go from there until you find what works best for you. Internships are a great way to immerse yourself in a role similar to what you could have in the future and determine if that’s going to be a good fit for you. Testing the waters in a position for just a few months and realizing it is not the best fit for you is a much better situation to be in rather than accepting a full-time position and feeling stuck when you realize that it’s not for you. On the other hand, you might take an internship working somewhere and realize you have a real passion for it. This could lead you to decide it is a career path you want to pursue in the future.
Every day you should be trying to find ways to make yourself more profitable in the workplace. Honing in on skills you already have and developing new ones are great ways to become more profitable in the workplace, and what better place to do that than in an internship. While working in your internship, you will be learning all sorts of new skills from collecting data and time management to collaboration and customer service. Not only are you developing these skills and more, but you will also have real-world experiences to talk about when answering everyone’s favorite interview question “what are your strengths?” This explanation backed by experiences will really help you stand out to a potential future employer.
Internships will expose you to many new situations and experiences that will push you out of your comfort zone, allowing you to showcase all your hidden skills. Learning these skills within an internship before you start your career is crucial so you can start applying them as soon as you step into your dream job.
Many college students experience a lack of confidence in all aspects of their lives. But going through the experience of having a ‘real-world job’ will give you more confidence about what to expect at a job in your field. Gaining confidence within the workplace also gives you more confidence outside of work, and will give you a step up against the competition who maybe didn’t have an agriculture internship.
Changing from a college atmosphere to a professional atmosphere can be a major culture shock. The range of personality types, years of experience, cultural backgrounds, and interests is very vast in a role within an agribusiness or farm compared to a college club or society. Having an internship with a farm or agribusiness will help you ease into adjusting to the different cultures you will experience throughout your life.
Arguably one of the best benefits of having an internship is securing a job with the farm or agribusiness where you interned. Use your internship as an opportunity to showcase your abilities, initiative, determination, and grit to your supervisors so they want you on full-time. Not only are internships a great trial run for the intern, but they are also a great trial run for the company to see what they are getting before they hire full-time. Even some of our AgHires staff were hired after their internships were completed, whether at a past job or as AgHires.

We always have your best interests at heart! Gain access to having a study buddy by signing up for our “BEST BUD” programme once you have registered for the National Certificate. The programme is designed to motivate and support the learner on their journey with us. Have access to your buddy via our Learner Management System and start communicating immediately.
E-learning in education is now at the frontier of education innovation. There are so many positive perks and added learning support that the application of e-learning in education provides to students and teachers. Once foreign concepts like artificial intelligence, data, analytics, and online learning are all products of e-learning in education today.
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