Although cannabis has a wide variety of different compounds, the ones that are of particular interest when it comes to medicine, are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and cannabidiol (CBD).
There have been some extensive studies proving the wide array of medical conditions that can benefit from the correct ratio of THC and CBD.
The medical condition a patient suffers from, will determine the best ratio of THC and CBD for their exact individual needs. Each cannabinoid’s medicinal and pharmacological relevance are distinct. While THC binds to the CB1 receptor, CBD in turn binds to CB2, but at the same time CBD also inhibits CB1 receptors from binding with THC. THC is often associated with psychoactive effects and/or increased anxiety or paranoia. Thus patients seeking medical treatment from cannabis oil should refrain from ratios high in THC if they are sensitive or prone to anxiety or panic attacks.
Conclusion :Products containing a high CBD low THC content would be of vital importance for any health clinic providing medicinal cannabis oil as a treatment option, to have in stock at all times.
THC has strong pain relieving, anti-inflammatory and anti-emetic properties, and thus oils with a higher THC content can surely be of great benefit for certain patients. Adding CBD to the mixture will reduce some of the unpleasant effects associated with THC, such as overwhelming psychoactive effects, paranoia, and anxiety.
Conclusion: A product containing a high ratio of THC oil would be a valuable treatment option for certain medical conditions. CBD ratios can be adjusted and increased accordingly to suit a patient’s specific needs. THC with little to no CBD is more suited for recreational use, and thus a high CBD ratio should generally be present when looking to treat patients for medical reasons, although, there are certain exclusions.
CBD also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-emetic properties. The combination of CBD and THC is important for the treatment of most ailments that can benefit from cannabis therapy. CBD has been shown to increase the half-life effect of THC, and thus can be of great value when treating patients that can benefit from extended periods of pain relief.
While CBD shares some of the same medicinal properties as THC, it additionally can be used to treat seizures, psychosis, and anxiety amongst others.
CBD does not share the same psychoactive effects as THC, and thus many people would be best suited to have treatment with a high CBD and low THC ratio. Low levels of THC, with high levels of CBD do not lead to strong psychoactive effects.
CBD and THC both share certain medicinal properties such as their ability to fight malignant tumours.
Conclusion: A product containing equal parts of CBD and THC would be required to fully address certain medical conditions and would be of utmost importance for any health clinic providing medicinal cannabis oil as a treatment option, to have in stock at all times.
Different THC: CBD ratio’s
CBD: THC Ratio 0:1
As mentioned before, ratios containing little to no CBD and only or higher amounts of THC is best suited for recreational use and is not a ratio that I would imagine commonly prescribed for medicinal application. However, there are some
patients who may benefit from the psychoactive properties, such as patients living with life threatening diseases that find comfort in the psychoactive effects, as it can induce calmness, euphoria and a sense of wellbeing, and help to cope with stress. This will not be the same for each individual and, while some may find the effects comforting, others may find it overwhelming and stressful.
Conclusion: Products containing this ratio would be one of the last on my list of essential ratios to have handy for patients in need, however there are certain exclusions where some patients may really benefit from such treatment.
CBD: THC 1:0
Oils with a ratio containing no THC will have zero chance of producing psychoactive effects.
There are quite a number of medical conditions that can greatly benefit from such oils and would not require any THC to be present for such treatment.
The following conditions for example, can benefit from oil containing such ratios without any serious side effects
·Mood disorders
Conclusion: Products containing a CBD: THC ratio of 1:0 will be an essential for any health clinic providing medicinal cannabis oil as a treatment option, to have in stock at all times.
CBD: THC 1:2
Oils containing a ratio as above will still have mild psychoactive effects from the THC, but because there is also a higher CBD content that essentially inhibits the ability of THC to fully bind to the CB1 receptor, the user is more likely to feel relaxed and comfortable while still getting the medicinal properties from both THC and CBD.
Conclusion: Products containing a CBD: THC ratio of 1:2 will be an essential for any health clinic providing medicinal cannabis oil as a treatment option, to have in stock at all times.
This ratio can be used in patients that may benefit from the medicinal properties of a higher THC concentration, such as patients that suffers from severe pain.
·CBD: THC 1:1
Equal parts of CBD and THC do not generally cause strong psychoactive effects and are tolerated well by most people. This combination is more likely to produce stress relieving properties in patients rather than a product with a ratio of THC: CBD 1:0
The following conditions for example can benefit from oil containing such ratios with minimal possibilities for causing serious side effects:
·Multiple Sclerosis
·Neurodegenerative disorders
CBD: THC 2:1
Because there is a higher CBD than THC ratio, the unpleasant side effects associated with THC are almost entirely eliminated.
This is one of the most preferred ratios being prescribed by doctors abroad that are already using this kind of treatment for their patients.
This ratio offers all the medicinal properties of both THC and CBD, while making the psychoactive effects so low, that it is the ideal ratio to prescribe even to children.
Conclusion: Products containing a ratio of CBD: THC 2:1 will be a viable treatment option for children or patients sensitive to THC that can still benefit from the medicinal properties of both.
·CBD: THC greater than 10:1
Some patients that suffer from mental disorders such as depression, paranoid delusions and/or anxiety that may also benefit from the medicinal properties of THC, should preferably be using a ratio such as this. The extremely high CBD
content eliminates the psychoactive effects of the THC which could potentially worsen a patient’s conditions suffering with such disorders.
Conclusion: Products containing a ratio of CBD: THC greater than 10:1 should be available at any health clinic stocking medicinal cannabis oil as a treatment option, to have in stock at all times, in order to accommodate patients that may require the medicinal properties of both THC and CBD, but who are prone to anxiety and mood disorders such as mentioned above.
·CBD: THC greater than 1:10
Conclusion: Products containing a ratio as such, are best suited for recreational use rather than medicinal application, and it should not be prescribed without strong motivation.
The following conditions for example, may in some cases benefit from a ratio as such:
·Extreme pain
·Re-occurring cluster headaches and/or migraines
·For some patients it may provide stress relief, however it could also induce panic in others.
Final Thoughts:
Products containing the abovementioned ratios are important for any health clinic providing medicinal cannabis oil as a treatment option to have in stock at all times.
CBD oil containing less than 20mg as a recommended daily dose and does not exceed more than 0.001% THC can be stocked and dispensed to clients without the need of a valid prescription, and are thus important for any health clinic providing medicinal cannabis oil as a treatment option, to have in stock at all times.
(T/Dr) Johan Huisamen