Agrochemicals in cannabis plant production : Safety application methods



Unit Standard 116115 : Define and understand production systems and production management (Applied Title: Define and understand production systems and production management in the field of Cannabis Farming)

Unit Standard 116070: Operate and support a food safety and quality management system in the agricultural supply chain (Applied Title: Operate and support safety and quality management system in the agricultural supply chain in the Cannabis Sector)

Unit Standard 116065: Store and control agrochemical products effectively and responsibly

Unit Standard 116125: Apply crop protection and animal health products effectively and responsibly (Applied Title: Apply crop protection and products effectively and responsibly)

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Unit Standard 116115 : Define and understand production systems and production management

Applied Title: Define and understand production systems and production management in the field of Cannabis Farming


The learner achieving this unit standard will be able to understand basic production systems, the basic managerial tasks, additional management tasks and the management objective in the agri-business environment. In addition they will be well positioned to extend their learning and practice into other areas of business and agriculture, benefiting agriculture by placing managers that are trained to understand that agricultural production is a business.

Learners will understand the importance of the application of business principles in agricultural production with specific reference to production/conversion.

They will be able to operate farming practices as businesses and will gain the knowledge and skills to move from a subsistence orientation to an economic orientation in agriculture. Knowledge and skills to access mainstream agriculture through a business-orientated approach to agriculture will be gained by farmers.

Unit Standard 116070: Operate and support a food safety and quality management system in the agricultural supply chain

Applied Title: Operate and support safety and quality management system in the agricultural supply chain in the Cannabis Sector


A learner achieving this unit standard will be able to recognize common insects, disease symptoms and weeds and apply basic control measures as per agricultural enterprise.

Learners will gain an understanding of sustainable agricultural practices as applied in the animal-, plant and mixed farming sub fields. This unit standard focuses on the application of pets control practices in primary agriculture.

They will be able to participate in, undertake and plan farming practices with knowledge of their environment. This unit standard will instill a culture of maintenance and care for both the environment as well as towards farming infrastructure and operations.

Unit Standard 116065: Store and control agrochemical products effectively and responsibly


A person achieving this unit standard will be able to receive, store and issue agrochemical products in a safe, secure and responsible manner. Furthermore, the person will be able to deal with emergencies related to the storage of agrochemicals.

Learners will gain an understanding of sustainable agricultural practices as applied in the animal-, plant and mixed farming sub fields. The application of agro-chemicals in primary agriculture is focussed on in this unit standard.

They will be able to participate in, undertake and plan farming practices with knowledge of their environment. A culture of maintenance and care for both the environment as well as farming infrastructure and operations will be instilled by this unit standard.

Unit Standard 116125: Apply crop protection and animal health products effectively and responsibly

Applied Title: Apply crop protection and products effectively and responsibly


A person achieving this unit standard will be able to apply agrochemical products in a safe, effective and responsible manner with consideration to the environment. Furthermore, the person will be able to deal with emergencies related to the use of agrochemicals

Learners will gain an understanding of sustainable agricultural practices as applied in the animal-, plant and mixed farming sub fields. This unit standard focuses on the application of agro-chemicals in primary agriculture.

They will be able to participate in, undertake and plan farming practices with knowledge of their environment. This unit standard will instil a culture of maintenance and care for both the environment as well as towards farming infrastructure and operations.


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